Therapeutic massage is massage which is offered with the goal of obtaining a therapeutic benefit. It differs from a relaxation massage, performed to help someone relax. While therapeutic massage is often relaxing, the end goal of the session or series of sessions is not purely just relaxation, but to deal with specific ailments conditions and injuries.
Therapeutic goals can vary considerably and depend on your needs. In some cases, massage is recommended by a health professional and may be performed as part of a larger treatment plan. For example, someone in physical therapy, osteopathy or chiropractic treatment for an injury might have regular therapeutic massage to loosen muscles, improve muscle tone, and increase flexibility. Likewise, therapeutic massage can be used to supplement wound care, cancer care, and a variety of other treatments.
In addition to having physical benefits, therapeutic massage can also be psychologically beneficial and may be used to increase trust, promote relaxation as part of a therapeutic program, alleviate severe depression, or to treat other conditions.
At your first visit a full case history will be taken covering your current problems and past medical history. You will then be asked to undress down to your underwear and you will then lie on our heated couch (which you control) and a whole body treatment will then be performed however specific areas which are causing you pain and discomfort are additionally assessed and treated.
A therapeutic and deep tissue massage treatment is suitable for all ages and each treatment is unique. The massage techniques used will be adapted to take into account your age, health and any particular musculoskeletal problems that you may have. It can help with conditions such as chronic body aches and pains, sports injuries, repetitive stress or strain injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, whiplash and accidents, TMJ or jaw complaints. Sports and work related injuries.